Sunday, June 13, 2010

Dear Preslee,

You turned 4 today! You had an amazing "Alice in Wonderland" party. Do you remember any of it? You have talked about it for weeks now and now that it has finally come and gone, I hope that it was everything that you imagined it would be. You were so happy today. Smiling and talking and twirling. I love that you twirl when you are happy!
You ask me often, "mama, why do you love me so much?" I have different answers each time you ask...but today I love you for just being born. I know that I was not the one to carry you in my belly, and one could argue that I didn't even know that you had been born on this day 4 years ago, (however in my heart I knew...doesn't a mother always know?) yet, here we are celebrating your birth, reliving vicariously through Alice in Wonderland, and I realize as I often have, how blessed I am that I get to be your mom. It is unbelievable to me, and yet I believe with all my heart, how much you were meant to be in our family. I cannot imagine my days without you. Through grace (heaven knows I need plenty of this), laughter, joy, and tears, we are and will always be a family. Thank Goodness!

I love you Peanut!

Love Always,


Friday, March 12, 2010

Dear Jagger,

What am I going to do with you? Honestly! I was just about to serve a mighty fine Taco Salad for dinner when I announced that it was almost ready and to go and wash your hands. All three of you scampered to the bathroom, and on the first time I asked, AMAZING! Journee appeared first followed by you and Preslee. Pulling your sleeves down and shaking your barely dry hands off, ready to dig in. When Journee (thank goodness)said oh by the way mom, Preslee washed her hands in the toilet because Jagger told her to. Horrified I first looked at Preslee and her damp hands and said "WHAT!" She lifted her shoulders up and down and said, "Jagger told me too." My then angry/grossed-out look transferred to you who was now beginning to squirm and I said "REALLY??!!" You couldn't look at me, not really. You gave me a sideways glance and a very mischievous smile crept across your face. Followed by a very quiet, subtle snicker. Realizing you'd been busted you quickly directed your sister back into the bathroom to help her wash off the toilet water. Sick!
I didn't tell you this but after I called out a few choice lecture words like, "you know better", and "I expect more from you," and "you should be a better example," I turned, and secretly, under my breath, I giggled.
Maybe you are just trying to survive in a house full of women. I can't say that I blame you. Just don't do it again!

Love Always,


P.S. When I told dad, he burst out laughing, and said "sounds like a typical brother thing to do!"
No Help...Absolutely none.

Dear Journee,

You were amazing tonight. On Fire! Unstoppable! You were playing indoor soccer, the only girl on your team by the way, and you scored not 1, not 2, not 3, but 9 goals tonight. That's right I said 9! You were having so much fun, your smile was contagious. I am so proud of you girlie.
When I originally told you that you were going to play with the boys, you smiled. When I told you that you were the only girl giggled. No worries, you have absolutely no problem holding your own. I love that about you. You dive in, without fear, and if anyone gets in your way, you give 'em grief. I cheered so loud I think I lost my voice.
Don't ever forget how amazing you are!

Love Always,


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Dear Jagger,

We were driving in the car today and you said to dad and I, "Do you know why I love my life?" We said, "No Jag, why do you love your life?" You said, "Because I have a mom and a dad who love me."
Now, I am by no means a perfect mom. Not by any stretch of the imagination. There have been days that you have eaten bar-b-cue chips and Oreos for breakfast. Just last week I forgot to send something to snuggle with at your pj's and pancakes day in Kindergarten, so you had to sit with the one other kid whose mom forgot also, and pretend that it didn't matter (thanks for that by the way). I have been known from time to time to pull a dirty pair of jeans out of your hamper to wear for the day because the laundry didn't quite get done, and I hate to admit it, but there have been days when I realize that I can't remember the last time I got you in the tub or helped you brush your teeth...yikes!. that is definitely not me. But today, today, I am taking a minute to stop and realize that I must be doing something right. Because, today you love your life, because we love you. Isn't that what it is all about. Believe me buddy, you make the job of loving you pretty darn easy. And so today, I want you to know that I am so glad that I am your mom and that I get to love you every single the moon and back!

Love Always,


Sunday, January 24, 2010

Dear Preslee,

Today you asked me to call you Michael Jackson Girl instead of Preslee. Should I be worried? I know that you are loving the Michael Jackson "This Is It" CD, well let me be honest, you are loving Thriller and once in a while Beat It. If the CD is playing anything else, you immediately ask if I can put Thriller back on. If your demands are not met in a timely matter, my sweet little girl turns into a zombie of sorts. Whats even more alarming, is that if for some unforeseen reason I make a change in musical selection before the Thriller laugh at the end, you come completely unglued and we have to start the entire song over again. When the laugh finally does come you throw your head back, close your eyes, and lip sync the laugh. OK that is just a little bit creepy to see my cute three year old mimicking the dead, undead, whatever they are... I used to like Thriller, however, Michael Jackson Girl, after listening to it 7 times in a row today, I can't say that I am a fan anymore. What I am trying to say, Michael Jackson Girl, is that if this love of Thriller does not stop soon, your dad may end up throwing the CD out the window of the car. And sadly, I would let out a sigh of relief (as would your siblings). Just a warning!

I have an idea...have you heard of Rob Thomas...another of my favorites, let's try to keep it that way.'re Preslee again. Thank Goodness. Until tomorrow...

Love Always,
