Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Dear Jagger,

We were driving in the car today and you said to dad and I, "Do you know why I love my life?" We said, "No Jag, why do you love your life?" You said, "Because I have a mom and a dad who love me."
Now, I am by no means a perfect mom. Not by any stretch of the imagination. There have been days that you have eaten bar-b-cue chips and Oreos for breakfast. Just last week I forgot to send something to snuggle with at your pj's and pancakes day in Kindergarten, so you had to sit with the one other kid whose mom forgot also, and pretend that it didn't matter (thanks for that by the way). I have been known from time to time to pull a dirty pair of jeans out of your hamper to wear for the day because the laundry didn't quite get done, and I hate to admit it, but there have been days when I realize that I can't remember the last time I got you in the tub or helped you brush your teeth...yikes!. that is definitely not me. But today, today, I am taking a minute to stop and realize that I must be doing something right. Because, today you love your life, because we love you. Isn't that what it is all about. Believe me buddy, you make the job of loving you pretty darn easy. And so today, I want you to know that I am so glad that I am your mom and that I get to love you every single the moon and back!

Love Always,
